Security Center
SPARXⓇ est un secret le mieux gardé de la logistique mondiale, offrant aux entreprises
solutions personnalisées logistique, conformité, & tech.
If that was not a test, you had been hacked by cybercriminals.
Remember the following 3 rules to stay safe online.
1. We will never send email to you and ask you to sign in to your email, e.g. email issues, update password, confirm salary, ... etc
2. Verify the sender email address if it is legitimate.
3. The warning message indicates that the email may be suspicious.
Do not click on any links and download any attachments if the email is suspicious. You may want to verify the sender through a different medium.
How to protect yourself?
1. Verify links and documents before you click them. Hover over the link to see if the info matches what you expect.
2. Avoid sending sensitive and personal information over emails or texts.
3. Back up important files.
4. Apply anti-virus and system software updates regularly.
5. Call the sender to verify legitimacy.
Cybercriminals will never stop. Please learn more from the following link to avoid being phished in the future. Thank you.